
INDI Library v2.0.7 is Released (01 Apr 2024)

Bi-monthly release with minor bug fixes and improvements

INDI focuser driver for Waveshare Stepper Motor HAT for Raspberry Pi / Rock Pi

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Thanks Jon for your insights. I have already noticed low voltage warning, but was sure it was due large USB dock that I have attached during the SD card upgrade. If the power voltage issue is real, then half of the convenience powering everything with 12V plug via Pegasus Power Box is going straight to the trashcan... I will try your solutions later today and see if this works. Thanks again!
3 years 7 months ago #61228

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Jon, you were right - the binary sits in usr/local/bin... I have started INDI as you recommended here is what I got, but even if I try starting EKOS the driver is not in the list:

stellarmate@stellarmate:~ $ indiserver -vvv indi_wmh_focuser
2020-10-08T13:50:34: startup: indiserver -vvv indi_wmh_focuser
2020-10-08T13:50:34: Driver indi_wmh_focuser: pid=1576 rfd=3 wfd=6 efd=7
2020-10-08T13:50:34: listening to port 7624 on fd 4
2020-10-08T13:50:34: Driver indi_wmh_focuser: sending msg copy 1 nq 1:
<getProperties version='1.7'/>

2020-10-08T13:50:34: Driver indi_wmh_focuser: read defSwitchVector Waveshare Motor HAT Focuser CONNECTION Idle rw
2020-10-08T13:50:34: Driver indi_wmh_focuser: read defTextVector Waveshare Motor HAT Focuser DRIVER_INFO Idle ro
DRIVER_NAME='Waveshare Motor HAT Focuser'
2020-10-08T13:50:34: Driver indi_wmh_focuser: read defSwitchVector Waveshare Motor HAT Focuser DEBUG Idle rw
2020-10-08T13:50:34: Driver indi_wmh_focuser: read defNumberVector Waveshare Motor HAT Focuser POLLING_PERIOD Idle rw
2020-10-08T13:50:34: Driver indi_wmh_focuser: read defSwitchVector Waveshare Motor HAT Focuser CONFIG_PROCESS Idle rw
3 years 7 months ago #61242

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The good news on that test is that indiserver is finding the driver and it seems to be loading properly. I don't use Ekos anymore, but I'll fire it up and see if I can remember what you have to do to load an "unknown driver." I seem to remember there was a process.

I no longer have my voltage alerts on the Pi4 since I separated the power for the HAT and the Pi board. Another thing to look out for, since you mentioned USB, Certain powered USB3 hubs cause some issues with WiFi connectivity when plugged into the USB3 port. This seems to be intermittent, so it may be limited to my setup. I switched USB hubs and the problem seemed to pass, but I am still not sure my WiFi performance is what it once was.

I'll report back on the Ekos setup.
3 years 7 months ago #61270

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Yeah...there is a Custom Driver tab in Ekos. You have the [+] icon for adding profiles, next right is the [pencil] for editing profiles, then [-] for deleting profiles and THEN, [[some odd square thing] which invokes the Custom Driver Setup.

In my version of KStars/Ekos, the Waveshare Motor HAT Focuser is already there, but that may just be due to my installing it some time ago. I've slept since then. Anyway, putting in a new driver is fairly logical.

3 years 7 months ago #61272

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Jon, many thanks! Adding custom driver didn't work, but you gave me idea to copy driver from usr/local/bin to usr/bin and it appeared in the list and WORKED! Super thanks for your help! Now off to get a motor and tuning the setup :)
3 years 7 months ago #61293

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Thank you for your work. I have been inspired to upgrade my motor controller board from the Adafruit HAT to this new one from Waveshare.
Question: Kaczorek pointed out that is can "remember focuser position between runs". Does this mean it stores stepper position on the board? Will it therefore know the position in the focus module when started, or when recovering from a crash?
I have been frustrated by restarting after the occasional crash and the focuser position being reset to zero. Requiring me to intervene to give it room to work with.
3 years 7 months ago #61313

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I am using MyFocuserPro and that stores the stepper position in the configuration on my Pi4. It always starts out at the last position the focuser was in. Or I can use a Preset and then move to the appropriates starting position, if I prefer.
3 years 7 months ago #61314

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The indi_wmh_focuser driver stores the absolute position between 0 and the total number of motor/gear positions for your particular setup. The total number being a variable you set in the INDI control panel and is thereby saved in the configuration. If the client dies, the number remains valid in driver memory until the original client (reactivated,) or another some other client, manipulates the focuser once again. If the indiserver or driver dies, the absolute position data is lost.

It may be that storing the configuration prior to a crash or prior to a disconnect would also save the absolute position data, but I never do this. I generally startup the scope with the focuser at 0, then use a preset to go to my initial setting.
3 years 7 months ago #61333

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Thank you for bringing this new controller board to our attention and for all your efforts in creating the driver for it. I must say, this controller is far superior in every way to the adafruit motor hat. My motor can now run smoother, quicker and quieter with much greater torque.
I haven't had an opportunity to use it in the field yet, but I expect it will perform much more reliably.
3 years 7 months ago #61978

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Great thread ... I have found the Waveshare Stepper Motor HAT to buy (in the UK) - but how do I decide which stepper motor is appropriate? Is there any calculations or is a stepper motor a stepper motor ?

Appreciate any model / parts numbers to look up for the motor side.

Also How are people attaching the motor to the scope / focus knob itself ?

Many thanks
3 years 7 months ago #62203

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This would be good point of reference regarding the stepper motor choice, etc: sourceforge.net/projects/arduinoascomfocuserpro2diy/
3 years 7 months ago #62205

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Good question. I'm building mine as we speak. The electronics is the easy part. You need to refer to the attached document page 22 to know which motor suitable for your scope and start putting the plan together.

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3 years 7 months ago #62207

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