INFO 3429.536265 sec : Astrometry solver is enabled. INFO 3457.672380 sec : Solving image... DEBUG 3457.672778 sec : /usr/bin/solve-field -O --no-plots --no-verify --resort --no-fits2fits --downsample 4 -L 63.935 -H 95.775 -u aw -3 214.117 -4 19.0986 -5 30 --downsample 2 --scale-units degwidth --scale-low 1 --scale-high 2 --depth 1-20 -W /tmp/solution.wcs /tmp/ccdsolver. DEBUG 3458.288221 sec : Reading input file 1 of 1: "/tmp/ccdsolver.fits"... DEBUG 3465.515758 sec : Extracting sources... DEBUG 3466.443851 sec : Downsampling by 2... DEBUG 3498.149407 sec : simplexy: found 2218 sources. DEBUG 3501.023872 sec : Reading sort column "FLUX" DEBUG 3501.023991 sec : Sorting sort column DEBUG 3501.024032 sec : mmapping input file DEBUG 3501.024075 sec : Copying table header. DEBUG 3501.024118 sec : Writing row 0 DEBUG 3501.024155 sec : Done DEBUG 3503.848241 sec : Solving... DEBUG 3504.244659 sec : Reading file "/tmp/ccdsolver.axy"... DEBUG 3504.245973 sec : Only searching for solutions within 30 degrees of RA,Dec (214.117,19.0986) DEBUG 3504.262728 sec : Field 1 did not solve (index index-4212.fits, field objects 1-20). DEBUG 3504.943728 sec : Field 1 did not solve (index index-4211.fits, field objects 1-20). DEBUG 3505.080043 sec : Field 1 did not solve (index index-4210.fits, field objects 1-20). DEBUG 3505.253789 sec : log-odds ratio 248.493 (8.30075e+107), 28 match, 0 conflict, 44 distractors, 33 index. DEBUG 3505.253954 sec : RA,Dec = (216.794,14.908), pixel scale 0.938144 arcsec/pix. DEBUG 3505.254040 sec : Hit/miss: Hit/miss: ++++-++++-++++-+-++-+++++-----++----------++------------+-++-----------+(best)---------------------------- DEBUG 3506.090553 sec : Field 1: solved with index index-4209.fits. DEBUG 3506.090727 sec : Field 1 solved: writing to file /tmp/ccdsolver.solved to indicate this. DEBUG 3506.263247 sec : Field: /tmp/ccdsolver.fits DEBUG 3506.264742 sec : Field center: (RA,Dec) = (216.793497, 14.907979) deg. DEBUG 3506.264879 sec : Field center: (RA H:M:S, Dec D:M:S) = (14:27:10.439, +14:54:28.725). DEBUG 3506.264939 sec : Field size: 1.56746 x 1.04627 degrees DEBUG 3506.264981 sec : Field rotation angle: up is -84.4082 degrees E of N INFO 3506.379649 sec : Astrometry solver is disabled. INFO 3506.585561 sec : Solver complete.