import PyIndi import time import sys import threading class IndiClient(PyIndi.BaseClient): def __init__(self): super(IndiClient, self).__init__() def newDevice(self, d): pass def newProperty(self, p): pass def removeProperty(self, p): pass def newBLOB(self, bp): global blobEvent print("new BLOB ", blobEvent.set() pass def newSwitch(self, svp): pass def newNumber(self, nvp): pass def newText(self, tvp): pass def newLight(self, lvp): pass def newMessage(self, d, m): pass def serverConnected(self): pass def serverDisconnected(self, code): pass # connect the server indiclient = IndiClient() indiclient.setServer("localhost", 7624) if (not (indiclient.connectServer())): print("No indiserver running on " + indiclient.getHost() + ":" + str(indiclient.getPort()) + " - Try to run") print(" indiserver indi_simulator_telescope indi_simulator_ccd") sys.exit(1) # connect the scope telescope = "Telescope Simulator" device_telescope = None telescope_connect = None # get the telescope device device_telescope = indiclient.getDevice(telescope) while not (device_telescope): time.sleep(0.5) device_telescope = indiclient.getDevice(telescope) # wait CONNECTION property be defined for telescope telescope_connect = device_telescope.getSwitch("CONNECTION") while not (telescope_connect): time.sleep(0.5) telescope_connect = device_telescope.getSwitch("CONNECTION") # if the telescope device is not connected, we do connect it if not (device_telescope.isConnected()): # Property vectors are mapped to iterable Python objects # Hence we can access each element of the vector using Python indexing # each element of the "CONNECTION" vector is a ISwitch telescope_connect[0].s = PyIndi.ISS_ON # the "CONNECT" switch telescope_connect[1].s = PyIndi.ISS_OFF # the "DISCONNECT" switch indiclient.sendNewSwitch(telescope_connect) # send this new value to the device # Now let's make a goto to vega # Beware that ra/dec are in decimal hours/degrees vega = {'ra': (279.23473479 * 24.0) / 360.0, 'dec': +38.78368896} # We want to set the ON_COORD_SET switch to engage tracking after goto # device.getSwitch is a helper to retrieve a property vector telescope_on_coord_set = device_telescope.getSwitch("ON_COORD_SET") while not (telescope_on_coord_set): time.sleep(0.5) telescope_on_coord_set = device_telescope.getSwitch("ON_COORD_SET") # the order below is defined in the property vector, look at the standard Properties page # or enumerate them in the Python shell when you're developing your program telescope_on_coord_set[0].s = PyIndi.ISS_ON # TRACK telescope_on_coord_set[1].s = PyIndi.ISS_OFF # SLEW telescope_on_coord_set[2].s = PyIndi.ISS_OFF # SYNC indiclient.sendNewSwitch(telescope_on_coord_set) # We set the desired coordinates telescope_radec = device_telescope.getNumber("EQUATORIAL_EOD_COORD") while not (telescope_radec): time.sleep(0.5) telescope_radec = device_telescope.getNumber("EQUATORIAL_EOD_COORD") telescope_radec[0].value = vega['ra'] telescope_radec[1].value = vega['dec'] indiclient.sendNewNumber(telescope_radec) # and wait for the scope has finished moving while (telescope_radec.s == PyIndi.IPS_BUSY): print("Scope Moving ", telescope_radec[0].value, telescope_radec[1].value) time.sleep(2) # Let's take some pictures ccd = "CCD Simulator" device_ccd = indiclient.getDevice(ccd) while not (device_ccd): time.sleep(0.5) device_ccd = indiclient.getDevice(ccd) ccd_connect = device_ccd.getSwitch("CONNECTION") while not (ccd_connect): time.sleep(0.5) ccd_connect = device_ccd.getSwitch("CONNECTION") if not (device_ccd.isConnected()): ccd_connect[0].s = PyIndi.ISS_ON # the "CONNECT" switch ccd_connect[1].s = PyIndi.ISS_OFF # the "DISCONNECT" switch indiclient.sendNewSwitch(ccd_connect) ccd_exposure = device_ccd.getNumber("CCD_EXPOSURE") while not (ccd_exposure): time.sleep(0.5) ccd_exposure = device_ccd.getNumber("CCD_EXPOSURE") # Ensure the CCD simulator snoops the telescope simulator # otherwise you may not have a picture of vega ccd_active_devices = device_ccd.getText("ACTIVE_DEVICES") while not (ccd_active_devices): time.sleep(0.5) ccd_active_devices = device_ccd.getText("ACTIVE_DEVICES") ccd_active_devices[0].text = "Telescope Simulator" indiclient.sendNewText(ccd_active_devices) # we should inform the indi server that we want to receive the # "CCD1" blob from this device indiclient.setBLOBMode(PyIndi.B_ALSO, ccd, "CCD1") ccd_ccd1 = device_ccd.getBLOB("CCD1") while not (ccd_ccd1): time.sleep(0.5) ccd_ccd1 = device_ccd.getBLOB("CCD1") # a list of our exposure times exposures = [1.0, 5.0] # we use here the threading.Event facility of Python # we define an event for newBlob event blobEvent = threading.Event() blobEvent.clear() i = 0 ccd_exposure[0].value = exposures[i] indiclient.sendNewNumber(ccd_exposure) while (i < len(exposures)): # wait for the ith exposure blobEvent.wait() # we can start immediately the next one if (i + 1 < len(exposures)): ccd_exposure[0].value = exposures[i + 1] blobEvent.clear() indiclient.sendNewNumber(ccd_exposure) # and meanwhile process the received one for blob in ccd_ccd1: print("name: ",, " size: ", blob.size, " format: ", blob.format) # pyindi-client adds a getblobdata() method to IBLOB item # for accessing the contents of the blob, which is a bytearray in Python fits = blob.getblobdata() print("fits data type: ", type(fits)) # here you may use to access the fits data # and perform some computations while the ccd is exposing # but this is outside the scope of this tutorial i += 1