I am not sure yet, but I think it might be related to OS X and its newish protections (I think it started with Mavericks) from programs accessing the camera or screen etc. It is very annoying since I specifically developed INDI Webcam for OS X because there was no V4L2 driver on OS X, so I tried to make a new driver that could do something similar. It might also be that some property hasn't been properly initialized when Ekos tries to access it. As I am entering my summer break now, I should have more time to try to look into it.

But as I was saying before, if I try to start INDI Webcam and then encounter the bug you mentioned, it brings down KStars. But then if I start KStars up again, and then tell it "No" to the question about whether I want it to start up a new INDIserver, it works then. You might also have to say yes if OS X asks you if INDI webcam can access the camera (the aforementioned MacOS issue).

Another thing you might try is to select to NOT have it auto connect the devices, so you have more control of the devices and settings without it crashing right away. And if you saved the profile options for INDI webcam, you can delete the settings file. Note that if you try the IP Webcam feature of INDI webcam, it should not crash at all.