Pep replied to the topic 'ttyUSB0 issues on OnStepp and' in the forum. 4 years ago

Hi Arado,

Firstly, I'm so sorry I'm a little bit dislexic.
I copy the results after to change ttyUSB* for ttyACM* and after reboot:

Hi Arado,

Firstly, I'm so sorry I'm a little bit dyslexic.
I copy the results after to change ttyUSB* for ttyACM* and after reboot:

astroberry@astroberry:~ $ sudo dmesg | grep ttyACM*
astroberry@astroberry:~ $ ls /dev
argon-h264mem fuse loop5 port ram7 stdout tty22 tty38 tty53 ttyS0 vcs7 vcsu6
argon-hevcmem gpiochip0 loop6 ppp ram8 tty tty23 tty39 tty54 ttyUSB0 vcsa vcsu7
argon-intcmem gpiochip1 loop7 ptmx ram9 tty0 tty24 tty4 tty55 uhid vcsa1 vga_arbiter
argon-vp9mem gpiochip2 loop-control pts random tty1 tty25 tty40 tty56 uinput vcsa2 vhci
autofs gpiomem mapper ram0 raw tty10 tty26 tty41 tty57 urandom vcsa3 video10
block gps0 media0 ram1 rfkill tty11 tty27 tty42 tty58 v4l vcsa4 video11
btrfs-control hwrng mem ram10 rpivid-h264mem tty12 tty28 tty43 tty59 vantage vcsa5 video12
bus i2c-1 memory_bandwidth ram11 rpivid-hevcmem tty13 tty29 tty44 tty6 vchiq vcsa6 watchdog
cachefiles initctl mmcblk0 ram12 rpivid-intcmem tty14 tty3 tty45 tty60 vcio vcsa7 watchdog0
char input mmcblk0p1 ram13 rpivid-vp9mem tty15 tty30 tty46 tty61 vc-mem vcsm zero
console kmsg mmcblk0p2 ram14 serial tty16 tty31 tty47 tty62 vcs vcsm-cma zram0
cpu_dma_latency log mqueue ram15 shm tty17 tty32 tty48 tty63 vcs1 vcsu zram1
cuse loop0 net ram2 snd tty18 tty33 tty49 tty7 vcs2 vcsu1 zram2
disk loop1 network_latency ram3 spidev0.0 tty19 tty34 tty5 tty8 vcs3 vcsu2 zram3
fb0 loop2 network_throughput ram4 spidev0.1 tty2 tty35 tty50 tty9 vcs4 vcsu3
fd loop3 null ram5 stderr tty20 tty36 tty51 ttyAMA0 vcs5 vcsu4
full loop4 OnStep ram6 stdin tty21 tty37 tty52 ttyprintk vcs6 vcsu5
astroberry@astroberry:~ $

Thanks for all. and I hope to help to you a little bit.