
Thank you for this guide. I will be reviewing its recommendations. Last night was beautiful, cool and dark. I just went from a 4G to 8G RPI4B with the new StellarMate installed on 120G SSD. StellarMate is very inviting from the WEB. Setting up my rig looked easy. I kept it very simple. I didn’t push my configuration to take in more items. One OTA, GPSD, joystick, and QHYCCD. 

I had several problems of my own making. I didn’t setup fully by this guide. Thank you again for this guide.

1. location.

I am at the latest update and current revision. GPSD works wonderfully. StellarMate asks if I want to use it for time keeping. Cool. I will use this guide in establishing location. 

2. Disconnects.

In the past, (AstroHub, AstroBerry, and StellarMate), I always went to the OS under VNC to set the OS location, time, and the TTYACM dance with my gear. Udevadm is my friend. Under the Web interface, creating a config was not possible. Creating a saved profile was not possible.

When I went to the OS, all that work was not remembered. No profiles were created. KSTARS web was running. KSTARS and INDI OS knew nothing about the web except it was running. No web profiles were created despite clicking saved. OS KSTARS complained about “ no telescope config found”. In KSTARS OS, Devices is the singular place with establishing configuration. It’s state had 0 configs. No problem, I can use this guide to establish saved profiles. I will look at INDI logs to see if this is a permissions issue. 

3. Bare bones screen and updates

Under Indiweb, SM said, updates were needed to be installed. I click on “yes”. The download was said to be successful. Silence. ATAPI and another app were options to install. They downloaded and installed as submitted. Cool. Under VNC, I used APT-GET to update. 

StellarMate application works well from iOS. I have an antenna and the rest of my gear to setup. Thank you again for this guide.