Aylin created a new topic ' Using PyIndi client with a simple GUI' in the forum. 6 years ago

I've been having a lot of issues creating a client for multiple devices, a filter wheel and camera. When following the PyIndi client tutorials, I'm not able to change a device property by choice. I'm now trying to control the devices through a simple button GUI to provide an interface to change a set of properties by choice. For example, I have one simple GUI with 2 buttons, one to change the filter wheel to slot 1 and the other to change it to slot 2. Going into this, I thought that it would be as simple as running a basic client in the background and import another client for the filter wheel where I could call the function newProperty through my GUI. This is the code I have for changing the filter slot (bits of it):

class IndiClient(PyIndi.BaseClient):
dwheel = None
def __init__(self):
super(IndiClient, self).__init__()
def newDevice(self, d):
pass #connecting the filter wheel via a basic client
def newProperty(self, p):
if p.getName() == "FILTER_SLOT":
def nd18(self):

I imported the IndiClient class from the script to my GUI and am trying to call newProperty, but I hit an issue with the arguments. I don't know how to call the functions ie: newProperty(self, p) because of the "p", property, parameter. I'm not very well versed with Python, so I imagine I'm missing something very obvious, but its doing a dang good job of eluding me. I'm not even sure if just calling the function newProperty or even nd18 would work.

tltr: How do you connect a GUI to a PyIndi client? Can you call one of the PyIndi functions such as newProperty(self, p) and if so, how?