Tim replied to the topic 'Ekos not guiding in dec' in the forum. 3 years ago

I'm using a USB cable. I have no issues using the different functions of the mount, so a bad cable seems unlikely. I'm pretty much stuck at that "south weighted" distribution in the drift plot. I feel like my kit is pretty well balanced, and I know I have a great polar alignment. I'm on the coast in the panhandle of FL, but typically have pretty dark skies, so I don't think I'm limited by seeing. The only other "big" thing I can see is Ekos's ability to hang on to multiple stars while guiding. Without having actually measured it, I'd say I only see the SEP multistar lines and circles 25% of the time at best. I'm kind of at a loss on how to get better guiding at this point. I think I've got all the low-hanging fruit, so barring hardware issues, I have to think there is some setting I'm missing. I'm going to try again for a few hours tonight.