JAMIE FLINN created a new topic ' Meridian Flip not triggering' in the forum. 3 years ago

Issue - EKOS Scheduler that was working only days ago performing meridian flip has now stopped performing flip
Test case set up and in the logs at 11:26 am Aug 4 -  - tracking  location successfully, images (darks) capturing fine
Mount Tab show MF_Ready and Flip if HA> 1.95 degrees is triggered
Scheduler finishes a capture after about 163 seconds after MF_ready is triggered
Scheduler does NOT pause next capture and basically ignores the flip ready to go
I manually STOP the  scheduler after the next capture -> the FLIP immediately starts and completes!!!!!!
so there is s break or block in transmission of the MF ready message pattern - or perhaps the acceptance
Please advise - since I have not rebuilt or updated code and I was successfully flipping within the past few weeks I am at a loss as to why this is happening

KSTARS 3.5.4Beta  (modified by me many months ago in ekos/capture.cpp to correct placement of pre-capture script - this has been operational with flip since changed)
INDI 1.9.1