Murray Fox created a new topic ' Tracking failing' in the forum. 4 years ago

First night with Astroberry on a Raspberry Pi 4b. Everything up and running, guiding solving session etc. After an hour all of a sudden I noticed guiding failed (100% clear sky and no dew). On a closer look, the mount was moving away from the target. I was using phd2 guiding at the time. Stopped, disconnected, reconnected switching to internal guiding, running again and everything working. Another hour and the same thing happened again. Did a simple stop session, plate solve slew to target again and restarted session. Another hour and ran away again.

Any ideas at all on this one? I can't find any obvious settings that might be the cause. It's almost like tracking is just stopping and it's the normal earth rotation moving the target away. It's not doing it at slew speed bit you can see the stars move on the Guide Scope view in guiding if I loop it.