The other night with my CEM40 PHD2 surprised me by recalibrating after the scheduler slewed to the target, soon after calibrating near the equator (+22°, which is as close as I could get without running into a tree). This was with the stable build.

I was using my new mini-pc install for the first time, so I cannot be certain I did not miss some relevant setting, though I am pretty sure I had "reuse calibration" set correctly. The mount does report its position to PHD2, because I can see the coordinates recorded in the PHD2 log as each calibration starts. Can you look at your PHD2 log to see if yours actually knows where the mount is, also? There is nothing in the PHD2 log to explain why it recalibrated, but I won't be able to investigate further until the skies clear again - so maybe October...

Unfortunately, I do not have the corresponding KStars logs. One setting I overlooked while setting up the new computer is the checkbox for 'log to a file'.