Niclas created a new topic ' RPi HQ camera driver crashes' in the forum. 3 years ago

I'm trying to set up a brand new Astroberry with the RPIHQ camera as auto guider but the drivers seems wrong?

With name: RPI Camera
FIFO: Starting driver indi_rpicam
2021-09-22T18:29:54: Driver indi_rpicam: pid=1238 rfd=6 wfd=9 efd=10
2021-09-22T18:29:54: Driver indi_rpicam: indi_rpicam: symbol lookup error: indi_rpicam: undefined symbol: _ZN4INDI3CCD22checkTemperatureTargetEv
2021-09-22T18:29:54: Driver indi_rpicam: stderr EOF
2021-09-22T18:29:54: Driver indi_rpicam: Terminated after #0 restarts.
Child process 1238 died

Camera is connected and works fine with Raspistill - and even solves great using Skysolve on the same setup - but it only sends info to Skysafari (not for guiding)

So how do I get PHD2 to understand that the RPI camera is for guiding and its supposed to send data to my Onstep - controller (Lx200Onstep I assume)
