Goodness no, do not edit cmakelists unless you're a developer or you can explain why you need to do it and can demonstrate that there is a no better way.

There is, in fact, a better way. You can read through cmakelists to figure out which flags to use to enable/disable certain features, or use ccmake (sometimes called cmake-curses-gui) to interactively select them... I'm lazy and prefer the latter.

You can easily mount an sdcard somewhere, check out the source and compile it, then install to a completely different path. That is one of many things you can configure with cmake (or ccmake). On my Radxa I mounted the sdcard on /mnt/sdcard, put the source in /mnt/sdcard/src/indi, deactivated some drivers I didn't need, compiled in /mnt/sdcard/build-indi, and installed to /usr/local.