I see there are a few tokens (`_[DHTF]_`) that can be used to construct a capture path, but it doesn't appear that there are ones for object name, camera, etc. I'd like to be able to do any combination of

_D_ - date
_H_ - time
_T_ - timestamp
_F_ - filter (frequency for the radio astronomers?)

_C_ - camera
_S_ - scope/source/sensor
_O_ - object
_N_ - exposure number
_X_ - exposure length
_I_ - image type (flat, light, dark, ...)
_L_ - other lenses (barlow, reducer, corrector, ...)
_G_ - gain

so I could say my output path is something like:

/mnt/astro/_C_/_O_/_K_/_F_/_O_ _K_ _T_ _N_.fits

The point of this is to allow the capture to be automatically aggregated in more meaningful ways.

* one might leave this set up for weeks at a time and just drive it around for a bit of EAA-style astro(nomy|photography)

* one might have more sophisticated setup including an EFW to swap filters, so it wouldn't make as much sense to embed the filter name into the scope/camera part of the path ...

Also I couldn't find a way to make the output path be consistent between the capture module and the scheduler; if I'm just capturing, images go to /home/stellarmate/Pictures/Light/<filter>/<generatedfilename>.fits; the scheduler puts them under /home/stellarmate/Pictures/<target>/... - it would be nice to make these do the same thing.