Greg Chapman created a new topic ' Ekos image capture failure' in the forum. 2 years ago

I'm quite sure this problem is with something I've done incorrectly but I need some help figuring out what it is I've done!

Problem: Image capture/image preview creates large files with no image (maybe my expectations are incorrect!)

Description: I'm using astroberry connected to an EXOS2-GT Mount with a Canon Rebel 60d DSLR. After centering on a simple astro object, I can see the object in the viewfinder and, if I disconnect the DSLR driver, can capture an image to internal camera storage. If I connect the DSLR driver, INDI control panel indicates that it has connected and I can hear and see that Ekos and Indi are operating the camera without issue (both by reading messages in the log stream and listening to the camera operate). However, the captured images don't even have a discernable single star.

Yes, the lens cap is off! ;-)I've attached some 'proofs' the one that shows the great orion nebula was captured manually as described above.

Thanks for all assistance. I'm a newb and have much to learn!