Hello all, I'm a new user. Thank you all for your work on INDI and the supporting community!
In our lab, we are using INDI plus the indi-sbig driver to control an SBIG STF-8300 CCD camera. We are also using a python client indiclient for scripting our exposures. We have a working setup on an older computer, but we are having troubles setting up a newer machine. I contacted the indiclient developers but received no response, so I am hoping you all can help us. Any pointers would be greatly appreciated!

We are trying to set up the SBIG camera on an Ubuntu 20.04 machine. The SBIG is connected to the machine via USB, and we have the most recent stable releases of INDI (1.9.6) and the indi-sbig driver installed via apt-get from the mutlaqja repo. We are also using the most recent indiclient version (May 6, 2022 commit). We added a very simple SBIGCam wrapper for the CCDCam class in indiclient/indicam.py that sets the driver to "SBIG CCD", which works on the other machine.
We try to run the very simple script below:

from indiclient.indicam import SBIGCam
cam = SBIGCam()
which returns the exception
AttributeError                            Traceback (most recent call last)
Input In [9], in <cell line: 1>()
----> 1 cam.ccd_info

File ~/pymodules/indiclient-backup/indiclient/indicam.py:49, in CCDCam.ccd_info(self)
     47 info_vec = self.get_vector(self.driver, "CCD_INFO")
     48 info = {}
---> 49 for e in info_vec.elements:
     50     info[e.getName()] = e.get_float()
     51 return info

AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'elements'

Other functions such as expose() result in similar timeout errors and NoneType returns. I have also included the verbose output of indiserver -vvv indi_sbig_ccd during this script as a text file:

File Attachment:

File Name: sbig_indi_debug_output.txt
File Size: 17 KB

I'll note line 316:
2022-06-10T22:48:37: Driver indi_sbig_ccd: read message SBIG CCD '[INFO] CCD is connected at port USB 1'
and line 318:
2022-06-10T22:48:37: Driver indi_sbig_ccd: read message SBIG CCD '[ERROR] GetCcdInfo: CC_GET_CCD_INFO -> (Bad Parameter)'
where things start to go poorly it seems.

Any insight into whether this is an issue on the indiclient, indiserver, or camera connection side would be greatly appreciated. Thank you!


Ok, thank you Jasem. I will try pyindi.


Hello all, new user here. Thank you all for your work on INDI and the supporting community!
Our lab is using INDI to control an SBIG STF-8300 CCD camera for light source testing purposes. We are using the python client indiclient to set up scripting for exposures. We have a successful setup for an older machine, but we are running into issues setting up the camera on a newer machine. I tried contacting the indiclient developers but got no response so far, so any help with troubleshooting would be greatly appreciated!
We are trying to set up control for the SBIG camera on an Ubuntu 20.04 machine. The SBIG is connected to the machine via USB, and we have the most recent stable releases of indi (v. 1.9.6) and the indi-sbig driver installed via apt-get using the mutlaqja repo. We are using the most recent of indiclient as well. We added a very simple SBIGCam wrapper for the CCDCam class in indiclient/indicam.py that sets the driver to "SBIG CCD", which works on the other machine.
We try to run the very simple script below:

from indiclient.indicam import SBIGCam
cam = SBIGCam()
which returns the following exception:
AttributeError                            Traceback (most recent call last)
Input In [9], in <cell line: 1>()
----> 1 cam.ccd_info

File ~/pymodules/indiclient-backup/indiclient/indicam.py:49, in CCDCam.ccd_info(self)
     47 info_vec = self.get_vector(self.driver, "CCD_INFO")
     48 info = {}
---> 49 for e in info_vec.elements:
     50     info[e.getName()] = e.get_float()
     51 return info

AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'elements'

Other functions such as expose() result in similar timeout errors and NoneType returns. I have also included the verbose output of indiserver -vvv indi_sbig_ccd during this script as a text file.

I'll note line 316:
2022-06-10T22:48:37: Driver indi_sbig_ccd: read message SBIG CCD '[INFO] CCD is connected at port USB 1'
and line 318:
2022-06-10T22:48:37: Driver indi_sbig_ccd: read message SBIG CCD '[ERROR] GetCcdInfo: CC_GET_CCD_INFO -> (Bad Parameter)'
where things start to go poorly it seems.

Any insight into whether this is an issue on the indiclient, indiserver, or camera connection side would be greatly appreciated. Thank you!