Richard created a new topic ' ServoBlaster Cap' in the forum. 2 years ago

Hi Guys,

Long time lurker of this excellent forum but now looking for a bit of advice if you don't mind,

I'm running Astroberry/Ekos on a Rpi 4b and have been trying to control a servo actuated flap via Servoblaster using the instructions here...
I just can't seem to get any response from the servo other than the occasional hum or jitter. I have an oscilloscope and can see that there is PWM control from GPIO pin 17 however the PWM seems unstable.
I tried running the same software setup and settings on an old Rpi 3b and it works ok on that, albeit a bit jittery.

Any ideas? am I missing something extra that's required for it to run on Rpi4?

Many thanks,
