
I have some connecting problems with the MeteoStation. I used the same parts and code as described in the tutorial (Trinket Pro 3V, DHT22, Melexis, etc). I am using a MPL3115A2 Barometric Sensor and the Adafruit_MPL3115A2.h library instead of the BMP085. I did not change the Analog Pin Mapping or any other digital or analog pin. I can connect to the MeteoStation but the sensors showing me some weird results. Sometimes the Metro-Tab is showing the correct numbers but some Sensors on the Raw-Tab are showing 0 or -273. Sometimes the Raw tab is showing the correct Numbers but the Meteo-Tab is showing 0. Sometimes the cloud Sensor shows 100 but the cloudy Flag is not highlighted. It seems to be completely random. Sometimes I have to connect and disconnect sereveral times to get all the sensors running. I changed the FTDI Cable and I tried it with a Arduino Nano. Same result.

I attached some Pictures of the Indi Log and Indi configuration.

Thank you for your help!
