jf created a new topic ' toupcam or altair indi driver' in the forum. 5 years ago

First congratulation for your works.
On linux 18.04 i have installed indi 1.7.5

when i chose toupcam or altair driver on indiserver or indistarter or ekos, i can get error messages:
when my toupcam is on:

2018-11-26T11:26:06 Unable to establish:
+ Altair
Please ensure the device is connected and powered on.
2018-11-26T11:26:01 INDI services started on port 7624.
2018-11-26T11:26:01 Starting INDI services...

Toupcam Camera works good with Touplite, oacapture, altaircapture

any idea to help me?