Daniel Constantin replied to the topic 'I-Nova CCD' in the forum. 8 years ago

Hello all,
I received a response from the Platone Developer drivers I-Nova Linux, here:

"Hi Daniel,
The new i.Nova driver version for INDI supports multiple devices
connected, and the manner it does it is not 100% conform to the INDI
standards. You must connect the camera(s) and run "indiserver
indi_inova_ccd ..." from the terminal by hand to make it work. We are
working to resolve this issue, please be patient for some time.

If you have more than one camera, you must append to the indiserver
command as many indi_inova_ccd instances as the cameras connected.

Once you can run the driver you'll see this version is much better than
previous, as the streaming issues have solved and you can now use high
speed capturing without problems.

Please let me know if you need more support.

Ilia Platone."