Vincent created a new topic ' Capture stopped after meridian flip' in the forum. 3 years ago

I'm using Ekos and Indi on a raspberry PI4 with astroberry.
I use PHD2 for guiding.

All is OK when I use the meridian flip :
- The capture is stopping
- Guiding is stopping
- The mount go to the good position
- Astrometry is OK
- PHD2 do a good calibration and begin again
- The capture begin again

BUT after about 30 seconds, the capture stop with a message that indicate that guiding has stopped.
This is a wrong message because guiding is OK and go on normally.

I have just to begin manually the capture and it's OK.It's really embarrassing because if I'm not here, there are no captures.
Do you know why I have this problem ?
I put the log of Kstars : the meridian flip has begin at 19:39:52 and the problem was at 19:49:44

Thank you by advance