Vin created a new topic ' Moravian camera not working w KStars' in the forum. 7 months ago


I have a Moravian C1X. I'm trying to connect to it via Kstars 3.6.7 on a remote connection.

There seems to be a problem with the temperature settings. EKOS sees the camera, I can take frames and download them - it sees the attached filter wheel and changes the filters.

BUT when you connect it reports an error message on setting the heating/temperature. If you try and switch on the cooler, then there are problems - and it starts reporting "cannot get voltage, cannot get temperature" etc, and if you change the filter selection while it trying to cool, it can't even take any images (Capture seems to get frozen).

I don't think it's a power supply problem - its connected to a Pegasus UPBv2 and is getting 12V DC.

Does anyone have any ideas what it might be & how to fix it? I have an email in to Moravian too.

