Wow - I have spent literally months trying to chase this problem down. Most recently convinced that because my Pi had no real time clock and would lose time when disconnected (often moving around and must rely on wifi only) - causing wifi to stop working (seemed to start working every time I manually changed the time). After installing a hardware RTC - still had problems. Today managed to confirm problem only appears when camera was plugged into usb 3 port, and not usb 2 port. Did a search and landed here.

D*mn ! At least I now know the problem. Kinda sucks because one or reasons for upgrading to Pi4 was the USB3. And I won't always be in 5GHz wifi zone, so guess I'm still stuck with USB2. I wonder if there is a hack for this (ie. appropriately placed tinfoil or some such) ...

Thanks to the OP for posting.



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    15. 07. 2020
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    Am Astro