Connor Ness replied to the topic 'INDI Driver for SVBONY cameras' in the forum. 3 years ago

I've actually had some time to try out a couple of powered USB3 hubs with my RPi4 + SV305Pro.

One is an Anker 7 port with a dedicated "power" port. that has an undersized barrel jack, yet still takes 12v. With this one, I was able to power the RPi4 through the charging port as well as connect the SV305Pro. Once I fabricobbled an adapter, it worked like an absolute dream. No issues whatsoever. I'll be picking up a couple more of these to simplify moving from rig to rig.

The other was a GEKRY 7 port, that supposedly is able to do what the Anker can on its last port, on every port. However, the RPi refused to boot or connect to the wifi while being powered by the hub and having the hub connected to its USB type A port. When powering the RPi from a separate 12v-5v dc-dc converter, I was able to connect the SV305Pro through the powered hub to the RPi4. But every few frames, one would come out over-exposed, and nearly all gray. PHD2 did not like this at all, and I had issues guiding.


Connor Ness replied to the topic 'INDI Driver for SVBONY cameras' in the forum. 4 years ago

I am also using an RPi4. If you're running the astroberry image, it's armhf, not arm64, fwiw. Architecture shouldn't have much if anything to do with it. I connect to the camera from a Windows box via Indiserver.

I don't think I saw you mention, what is the power source for your RPi? Do you have any kind of cooling set up for it? After checking all of the above and these two, I would probably pick up another Pi to see if somehow you have a hardware issue.


Connor Ness replied to the topic 'INDI Driver for SVBONY cameras' in the forum. 4 years ago

Did you just put the cap across +5v and ground? I wonder if the 5v fan I have hooked up on the pi might be introducing some noise. I'd be surprised though, since it's a noctua.


Connor Ness replied to the topic 'INDI Driver for SVBONY cameras' in the forum. 4 years ago

Last night I finally had clear enough weather, calm enough wind, a reworked cable management solution, and most importantly, time! The on-camera support worked flawlessly, as far as I could tell. However, I had some issue with my wifi around 2:15 am, after I went to sleep, so I didn't wind up guiding for long as I lost connectivity to my rpi4. Seems like my access points decided to play musical channels, according to Unifi.

For clarity, I have the sv305 pro connected to a usb 3 port on the pi and the st4 port on my mount, while my canon 1300d is connected to a usb2 port on the pi which I then connect to using VirtualHere, so losing wifi means I'm no longer imaging. To @JonCarleton's point, I may have to suck it up and learn how to use Ekos as opposed to APT for imaging so that connectivity issues won't ruin future imaging sessions. But I just love how APT is set up.

I also captured what I'm talking about when it comes to 12 versus 8 bit issues with the sv305. Specifically, what I interpret as unstable brightness/gamma in phd2. The guide and debug logs from phd2 are attached.

That sounds like a USB issue to me, but since the pi4 has the usb3 ports connected via pcie , bandwidth shouldn't be an issue. Do you have the sv305 pro connected to one of the usb 3 ports on the rpi4? What other, if any, devices do you have connected to the pi? Are you using a hub? What kind of power source do you have for the pi? Have you tried another cable?


Connor Ness replied to the topic 'INDI Driver for SVBONY cameras' in the forum. 4 years ago

thx8411 wrote: Are you able to test it by compiling it from my repo ?

Looks like that worked

I'm reworking my cable management, but the skies look clear tonight, so I'll try to test things out. If not, I will Thursday night.


Connor Ness replied to the topic 'INDI Driver for SVBONY cameras' in the forum. 4 years ago

thx8411 wrote: I'm a moron...

I'm not alone!


Connor Ness replied to the topic 'INDI Driver for SVBONY cameras' in the forum. 4 years ago

Cirera wrote: Thanks a lot ginger,
When you say that is a bit fiddly, What do you reffer abaut?
Is complicated to set for work?
I supose that for usb3, is a little bit more quicker to take photos, don't you?
Thanks a lot.

By a bit fiddly, I mean that sometimes it hangs up, and requires re-plugging of the cable to get it to work again. Restarting the driver, indiserver, or RPi would not fix it. That, and what seem to be over-exposed frames, where the image is mostly white, but with black dots. This happened on the Windows driver as well, until I switched the camera to 8-bit mode. As for usb3 being faster for pictures, I don't really know. If anything, I imagine it's better for video, or if you have multiple usb3 devices sharing the same hub, since there's more bandwidth.


I don't have a x64 linux machine that I can hook the camera up to. If you could provide a binary for armhf, or a link to the source so that I might compile it myself, I'd be happy to run it.


Connor Ness replied to the topic 'INDI Driver for SVBONY cameras' in the forum. 4 years ago

Cirera wrote: Someone test the sv305 Pro? Works fine on indi-svbony driver? (is usb3)

I have the sv305 Pro. As far as I can tell, the camera functions the same as the regular sv305 with the indi-svbony driver, in that it does work. It can be a bit fiddly though.

The only functionality missing from the Windows driver is ST4 guiding.


Connor Ness replied to the topic 'INDI Driver for SVBONY cameras' in the forum. 4 years ago

The last couple of sessions I used the Windows driver for the sv305, since that supports on-camera guiding. I was having stability issues even with that until I switched the camera to 8-bit. I kept getting what seemed like overexposed frames.

I do recall however, that when using the indi driver via astroberry, I would have to reseat the usb cable to get the camera to reconnect. Restarting driver/indiserver likewise did not help. This was about a month ago though, so I may be misremembering. I'll pay special attention to it the next chance I get.


Connor Ness replied to the topic 'INDI Driver for SVBONY cameras' in the forum. 4 years ago

thx8411 wrote: I also own an iEQ30 Pro, and you don't need an ST4 camera for PEC record. Using serial pulses works nice for me.

I thought I RTFM, but I apparently didn't read far enough:

1. Setup the mount with a telescope in autoguiding configuration by connecting a guiding
camera via the mount’s Guide Port or using the ASCOM protocol

Page 29 of the manual (pdf)

Thanks! Will give this a shot when the skies clear up.


Connor Ness replied to the topic 'INDI Driver for SVBONY cameras' in the forum. 4 years ago

Sarwar wrote: @gingerbreadassassin
Why not use pulse guiding, its better than st4.

My mount (iEQ 30 Pro) can record PEC, but I must use the guide port in order to do so. That's the only reason.


Connor Ness replied to the topic 'INDI Driver for SVBONY cameras' in the forum. 4 years ago

Cool, hopefully they can provide one. Until then, perhaps I can help?

Looking at a couple of other st4-enabled drivers on github, it seems there needs to be another driver built specifically for the on-camera guiding. Here are a couple of header files for st4 guiders. The first, asi-st4, might be more useful as it also has a separate ccd driver. They both share a similar format though, in that they provide the same methods. Perhaps we need a sv305-st4.h and corresponding cpp file? I don't yet have the sv305 sdk though, so I'm not sure what those would look like beyond what's already common between the asi-st4 and arduino-st4 drivers.


Connor Ness replied to the topic 'INDI Driver for SVBONY cameras' in the forum. 4 years ago

I got my sv305 Pro in the mail yesterday, and did some guiding with phd2. This was my first time guiding, but I did identify some periodic error from my ieq30 pro, so I wanted to record the PEC. I do have the sv305p hooked up to the st4 port, and set up the phd2 equipment profile to use an on-camera mount, but the option to "connect" stays grayed out. This is on a rpi4 running astroberry.

If I connect to the camera directly with a windows machine, the on-camera mount "connect" button is available, but the windows driver doesn't seem to support binning, so I couldn't see any stars (class 8 bortle with a full moon).

Is on-camera guiding a WIP for this device yet?


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