Chad replied to the topic 'Driver OnStep (LX200 like) for INDI' in the forum. 6 months ago

You would be best off posting to the OnStep group for OnStep errors and questions.


Chad replied to the topic 'Driver OnStep (LX200 like) for INDI' in the forum. 6 months ago

OnStep always has a star model when you boot up. It knows your GPS location, UTC Offset and Date time. It knows how many steps per degree it takes to move the mount.

When you do a star alignment you are then changing the model by telling it how far off you are from each target object.

Thus you will get your error of polar alignment as you add alignment stars telling onstep how far off each star is from its default model.



Chad replied to the topic 'Driver OnStep (LX200 like) for INDI' in the forum. 1 year ago

Looks like tracking rates changed in SWS are not being picked up by INDI.

I will stop there as i want to make sure this is useful or not.



Chad replied to the topic 'Driver OnStep (LX200 like) for INDI' in the forum. 1 year ago

yes i think in the SWS only some parts of it are "dynamic" in that it will update. Some you need a hard refresh.


Chad replied to the topic 'Driver OnStep (LX200 like) for INDI' in the forum. 1 year ago

Meridian flip has a bug SWS sending "off" does not register in Indi.


Chad replied to the topic 'Driver OnStep (LX200 like) for INDI' in the forum. 1 year ago

Here are my results when changing meridian limits


Chad replied to the topic 'Driver OnStep (LX200 like) for INDI' in the forum. 1 year ago

I am testing with TMC2209 with the driver status turned on do not see all of the statuses that SWS display in INDI.

In SWS i see "OK" "Standstill" something about Load A... Also there is a comma in your display. So maybe there is a typo or formatting error?

OK looks like when tracking is enabled RA shows "OK". If the axis is not moving it shows "Standstill". I saw the "Load A" after/during a goto/slew.


Chad replied to the topic 'Driver OnStep (LX200 like) for INDI' in the forum. 1 year ago

Hi Alain, i am up to the latest as i am testing a the new MaxESP4 PCB.

If there something specific you want me to test? I am also only bench testing right now.



Chad replied to the topic 'Driver OnStep (LX200 like) for INDI' in the forum. 1 year ago

Well yeah, the problem with the BME280 on the OnStep computer is the drivers that power the stepper motors are always warm.

So putting it on the hand controller is an option that may have better temperature data. Depends on how the user wires all of this up.

This is Howard's latest PCB for the SHC. The BME280 integration we are just starting to test.



Chad replied to the topic 'Driver OnStep (LX200 like) for INDI' in the forum. 1 year ago

I am 99% sure i have your code loaded Alain and i have been testing the new Smart Hard Controller 2+ that can have the BME280 weather sensor instead of on the OnStep PCB.

The smart hand controller sends the weather data to OnStep with LX200 commands.

I see temperature numbers in the Focuser tab in Ekos.



Chad replied to the topic 'Driver OnStep (LX200 like) for INDI' in the forum. 1 year ago

Good question... i found the rotor class for INDI. They list popular rotators like Pyxis. Maybe OnStep needs to be added as a possible rotator to INDI?