Tom created a new topic ' EQ6-R PPEC - Questions' in the forum. 3 years ago

Hi everyone,

I recently purchased an EQ6-R and I want to take advantage of the PPEC of the mount, I am very new to the INDI/EKOS environment and I have ran into a few issues. Firstly I pointed my scope North and at the celestial equator (I live in the southern hemisphere so I assume North is the correct direction) and then restored calibration data and unticked the enable guiding output button in PHD2, I started "guiding" with hysterisis, then in the indi control panel I ticked RA PPEC Training and it said "Turning RA Training On" and the light in the panel turned yellow, and approximately 10 mins later turned off and said training complete I think, I then went to enable guiding in PHD2 and then click Turn RA PPEC On but it just said Turning RA PPEC On and then 5 seconds later spit two messages out simultaneously saying Turning RA PPEC off while guiding and Turning RA PPEC on after guiding. I am not sure why it has done this, the button still stayed yellow and kept looping through this cycle, If I disabled output it stopped displayed messages and stayed yellow and it seemed like it was working just by the fact the RA stayed relatively centred. So I am wondering have I done anything wrong here.

Also I would like to collect a few cycles with a PHD2 guidelog and run that through PECPrep and install that to my mount, I am wondering where is the PPEC file in Linux, I cannot find the file location at all.

Thanks in advance
