
INDI Library v2.0.7 is Released (01 Apr 2024)

Bi-monthly release with minor bug fixes and improvements

New Polar Alignment (Plate Solve) not working

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I am using the "Plate Solve" Method for the polar alignment. I would have to completely restart because after I see the first "Solver Failed..." message, it does not appear to do anything else. I think I need to do some more testing so that I can give you a better report of the issue. I'm hoping to have some clear skies soon so that I can test it. It is entirely possible that this is user error.

10 months 1 week ago #94179

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Just double checking that you clicked on the refresh button to get the process started.

After the initial 3 exposures that calculate the polar alignment error and required correction, you need to set a few parameters like the algorithm, the refresh interval, and then you click on refresh and the refresh cycle starts up.

10 months 1 week ago #94181

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I did. It would solve once or twice after clicking refresh. After that I would get the “solver failed” message. After that I’d get no more messages in the log, so I assumed it hung up.
The following user(s) said Thank You: Craig
Last edit: 10 months 1 week ago by Anand Narwani.
10 months 1 week ago #94182

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OK. Well, I plate solved last night, and for me, though I'd often get a solver failed while adjusting the alt or az knobs, it would resume OK on the next exposure.
I used a 5s refresh exposure for my 250mm wide f/8 reflector.

Refresh times out after about 10s and takes another exposure. The iteration counter should increase on every exposure.

Send a debug log if you continue to have issues--make sure you have verbose logging and at least align module checked (if not all the modules--indi debugging isn't necessary).

10 months 1 week ago #94183

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First time out in ages last night and I had similar problems to Anand. It would get into the refresh cycle then after a few images it would start saying solver failed. It did this a couple of time thought it might be my new camera as it used to work (would have been some months ago so probably a different version of stellarmate) but the solve and slew process worked fine. No logs just thought it was my new setup and had other things to work out.
The following user(s) said Thank You: Craig
10 months 6 days ago #94189

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Same for me too. I updated Stellarmate to the latest (stable) version in the last week as well. First night out in a while and despite it plate solving well the plate solving when you hit "refresh" never worked once. This led to guiding accuracy issues (just asked another question about that as jobs wouldn't start) so in essence a whole night lost........
9 months 2 weeks ago #94673

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I saw the same thing. Plate solving repeatedly failed after the first three worked that established the PA error. So had to park the mount and restart the process again and it got stuck each time in the same place.
The following user(s) said Thank You: Steve Cohen
9 months 2 weeks ago #94685

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Align profile set to "Default" or something else?
9 months 2 weeks ago #94687

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I didn’t know there were align profiles. I’ll look at mine to see what it’s set to. Can you give a brief description of their purpose?
9 months 2 weeks ago #94693

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Not to say you should have to do this, but, it has bit me once and I swore to not have to deal with it again. Generally software should be bug free but with community contributions to a complex codebase things can happen.

I keep 2 SD cards for my Raspberry Pi, you can do the same with a bootable USD Thumb drive if using Kstars from a Linux laptop ( Mac is a bit more complicated ). One SD card has a know working ( at least the parts I use ) copy of everything I use for astro. When I want to upgrade I update one of the SD cards, and take it out for the night. If I discover a breaking bug that can't be worked around I shutdown the Pi and swap to the known backup SD card. I might lose some updated profile settings but at least I can still image unless it is a true hardware failure.

Once I have a good number of imaging runs under my belt I clone the new SD card onto the old one and that becomes the new backup. I do this every time I update Kstars to make sure that I have a fallback in case of technical issues.
9 months 2 weeks ago #94708

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I tried 2-3 of those options including "Default" Jasem and every time I'd have to go back and run through the process and every time after solving all three image would fail on the refresh.
Last edit: 9 months 2 weeks ago by Craig.
9 months 2 weeks ago #94720

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Then post log + the image that it was trying to solve and we'll take a look.
9 months 2 weeks ago #94724

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