
INDI Library v2.0.7 is Released (01 Apr 2024)

Bi-monthly release with minor bug fixes and improvements

Collimation Circles, app for easy telescope collimation

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Thanks a lot! Just installed on WIN10 incl. the NET Framework and the NET Framework EXE.
Works great!


1 year 5 months ago #89193

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Great to have it on Linux, I will have to try it on my Rpi running Ubuntu. I have been using AI's collimation tool, running on my laptop. I control the RPi, running Kstars at the scope, over ethernet cable to a laptop inside my garage (where it is warm) over VPN. As long as I am doing collimation using an artificial star the scope is still in the garage (on wheels, so I can roll it out on the driveway for seeing the night sky), then having the tool on the laptop is ok. But if I try to collimate using a star I need to be at the scope, where I have a tablet, also running VPN, so I can see the screen for polar alignment and focusing. When I get this running on Ubuntu, next time I uncover the scope, I can use it for star collimation.

One suggestion, in AI's collimation tool there is a break in the crosshairs at the center, so you can really see the out of focus star central spot and how well centered it is in the cross hairs (the crosshairs are also not as thick as yours) and which way to make the final small adjustment. You might think of making that change. It is only a suggestion and I have not tried your tool as it is, so it may work just fine. I would be interested in hearing other users comments.

Sorry, I did not look at the Github site before making the suggestion. I see that your crosshairs are actuall split and so the center is open. I was looking at the image from the previous post where the crosshairs are together and thick. Again I have not tried the tool yet, so my suggestion may be meaningless.

Last edit: 1 year 5 months ago by Ronald Scotti. Reason: Did not look at the Github site of the actual tool image
1 year 5 months ago #89198

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I am having some difficulty getting this to run, but it may just be me. My target machine is an RPI 4 running 64 bit Ubuntu LTS 20.04, but I am first trying to get the program to work on a separate rpi 4, running Raspian Linux 10, the processors are ARMv7.

I am able to get dotnet to load successfully ( I ran the script command for the latest version and it installed Version 6 ) and I downloaded all the files for the CollimationCircles program.

When I first tried to do the build the error I recieved told me that your *.csproj " file was asking for version 7 of dotnet, I had to change that line in the file to read version 6. After making that change I entered the "dotnet run" command. Right now it is hung on that build. I will wait and see if it finally builds, this RPI only has 1 G RAM.

Can you fill me in on what the specifics of the process will be for the machine I am running Kstars on, which I said above is an RPI 4, 8 G RAM running 64 bit Ubuntu.

1 year 5 months ago #89206

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Thank you for your replay Ronald.
Did you try to play with settings? Everything is customizable, the thickness, rotation, color, radius, etc. Try to change some of the settings to get setup that is right for your scenario.
Last edit: 1 year 5 months ago by Simon.
1 year 5 months ago #89277

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Did you try to build it with .NET 7?
Last edit: 1 year 5 months ago by Simon.
1 year 5 months ago #89278

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Yes I did try to build it with .Net, but it gave me errors and I just assumed that it would not work on a 64 bit machine and system. I have not had a chance to try it again on an Rpi that had more ram.

I would be grateful for any specific suggestions that I should try with my system.
1 year 5 months ago #89307

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There is new version 1.0.3 available!

Changes are:
Fixed language change (window must be closed to changes take effect)
UI tweaks for easier side by side positioning
App remember it's state after closing and load that state on start
Check for update when application starts

The following user(s) said Thank You: Jasem Mutlaq, Hartmut
1 year 4 months ago #89907

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There is new version available 2.0.1! It brings tons of improvements and new Bahtinov mask helper wich can be used for fine tune your focusing and telescope collimation with bahtinov mask.
Change list:
- New bathinov mask helper
- New duplicate helper button
- New launcher icon
- Dynamic translation
- Complete UI redesign
- Responisve UI design
- Added key shortcuts
- Added range validation
- Optimized icons for dark mode
- Make first item selected when app starts
- Upgrade to avalonia 11.0.0-rc1.1
- Fix wrong help url
- Fixed code for fetchng app version
- Fix bug that caused double validation messages
The following user(s) said Thank You: Jasem Mutlaq, Jim, David Allmon
11 months 2 weeks ago #93464

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Cool. Is there a video or doc for how to use this app for collimation (especially RC collimation)?
11 months 2 weeks ago #93465

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Unfortunatelly there is no video on how to use it yet. There are some written instructions accessible via About tab.
Or you can see them here on my blog:


I hope you can figure out how to use application reading those instructions. You can contact me via blog any time if you need to.

In principle app work like overlay over video stream from your telescope. You can position different paterns over your video to help you get your telescope in perfect collimation.
11 months 2 weeks ago #93470

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I have just released new version 2.1.1 of Collimation Circles app.
Download from here: github.com/sajmons/CollimationCircles/releases

Change log:
Added always on top option, that keeps windows on top of all other windows
Added support for themes
Added ability to dock settings interface to main window
Added indicator of curently selected item from list
Added ability to scroll settings tab
Added GitHub link to About tab
Added saving selected index to the state file, so that selected item can be restored upon aplication exit and load
Added PowerShell publish script to automate publishing and creating ZIP atrefacts for GitHub release
Added osx-x64 build
Merge pull request #5 from Alex-Kozachenko/readme_fix
Code and performance optimizations
Fixed windows position not loading and not saved to appstate.json

The following user(s) said Thank You: Jasem Mutlaq, Jim
Last edit: 11 months 2 days ago by Simon.
11 months 3 days ago #93704

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