
INDI Library v2.0.7 is Released (01 Apr 2024)

Bi-monthly release with minor bug fixes and improvements

AstroPi3 Scripts revised

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Yes I just use a normal ethernet cable
4 years 9 months ago #42572

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Is there a way to get the script to use all four cores on the rpi4 CPU while running, (j4 or something) as it’s a bit slow and only uses one...as you can see in the picture
4 years 9 months ago #42596

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Yes, I updated the script last week to do that. Take a look at the make commands, they should all look like this now:

sudo -H -u $SUDO_USER make -j $(expr $(nproc) + 2)
The following user(s) said Thank You: Avocette
4 years 9 months ago #42599

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My latest run on Monday the 4 cores were all brought into use at all times but only one at a time would reach 100%. The whole installation took two hours on the RPi4 4GB and incidentally four hours on the RPi3B+.
4 years 9 months ago #42600

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So how do I update your script that is already on my rpi, I know how to “git pull” in the Kstars folder to update that but how do I update the actual script I already have downloaded....just run “git pull” in the AstroPI3 folder..?.
4 years 9 months ago #42609

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oh yes absolutely. git pull is the method to update the script to the latest version since it is a git repo. The system update script should do that as well, but if you just want to update the script, git pull is the way to go.

I also fixed a samba issue yesterday. The Raspbian script was using the method I used to get samba working on an ubuntu system. But really it needed the method I used on Manjaro since the needed packages were not all in apt. Also the method I used on Manjaro was simpler, and I think I might just change all of them to go that route. . . So I changed the samba setup for raspbian. You will get all the recent updates by doing a git pull.
The following user(s) said Thank You: AstroNerd
4 years 9 months ago #42611

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Was this during the make commands when it was building the astro software? And did you update the script to the latest version first? It does seem to be much faster since this change.
4 years 9 months ago #42612

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Was this during the make commands when it was building the astro software? And did you update the script to the latest version first? It does seem to be much faster since this change.[/quote]
Sorry - I now remember cronky wasn’t running during the make process! Apologies.
4 years 9 months ago #42620

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A option that I think would be good for this script, is to be able to chose between installing the latest nightly Kstars or the stable version, as personally I prefer the stable versions... but that is not a criticism at all as the script is superb.. :)
4 years 9 months ago #42628

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I also have noticed that USB thumb drives are no longer recognised after running this script.... any ideas how to get them back...??
4 years 9 months ago #42631

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Before, we disabled all drive mounting to allow DSLRs to connect with a config file, but the camera mounting should now be disabled in a different way, so you should be able to delete this file now.
Try this:

rm ~/.config/pcmanfm/LXDE-pi/pcmanfm.conf
4 years 9 months ago #42632

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No, still does not work, I save my images to a thumb drive so don’t know what to do now... :(
As my whole system is based on that, damn DSLR users....get a CCD..... :)
Last edit: 4 years 9 months ago by AstroNerd.
4 years 9 months ago #42633

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