Nelson created a new topic ' Focus backlash limited at 1000 steps' in the forum. 2 months ago

I have an Edge HD, known for it's substantial backlash, and a pegasus focus cube with 11510 steps per revolution. All maths done right and my focuser moves a whopping 23 steps per micron! I measured the backlash at between 1500 and 1750 steps, which sounds absolutely ridiculous, but when you add the 23 steps/micron scale it amounts to a very reasonable 65 to 75 microns, which isn't a lot, actually. But in Indi and especially in Kstars' autofocus settings I see that the most I can set backlash to is 1000. Am I missing something? How can I set the backlash to 1750 and keep it that way? Even if I set it in the driver settings as soon as I go to the auto focus settings it will go back to 1000.