I'm trying to iron out the last couple of gremlins in my setup.
Have tried many options but cant seem to get around this issue.

Basically when I run my scheduled job, it starts, slews, solves and starts guiding.
After the guiding starts the filter changes from Lum to another filter, the offset changes the focus position and throws off the guiding - at this point the autoguiding starts trying to catch the star which just moved and takes some time to settle down, up to 45 seconds sometimes.
Either it will abort because the guiding RMS is too high or it captures junk and moves the frame out of whack.

I've tried delays with the guider, image capture and anywhere else I can try delay but its sketchy at best.

Is there a way to make the guiding start after the filter has been selected and the focus offset happens?
This would seem to solve the issue.

Or am I doing it wrong ? :dry: