Justin created a new topic ' indi_svbony_ccd crashes on capture' in the forum. 7 months ago

I've been trying to get KStars & Ekos working on Raspberry Pi with my SVBONY 905C as a guide scope.

When I attempt to capture from the camera using either PHD2 or Ekos, the driver crashes immediately.

I built INIDI, KStars, and PHD2 from source.

INDI Library: 2.0.4
Code v2.0.4. Protocol 1.7.

According to Ekos, the driver is version 1.5, interface 6, SDK version 1.11.4.

I tried to collect some logs, however I don't see anything useful when the crash occurs.

Here's the log output generated by launching Ekos, connecting to the camera, and attempting to take a preview exposure:

And here's the log output from running `indiserver -vvv indi_svbony_ccd >> indi_svbony_ccd.log 2>&1`, opening PHD2, attempting to connect, and starting the process to create a dark library:

Let me know if I can provide anymore information or if there are other troubleshooting steps I can take. I know the camera operates, because I can take exposures using PHD2's built in SVBONY driver, just not INDI.