geoffrey-vl replied to the topic 'INDI LibCamera Driver' in the forum. 4 months ago

Ok, just went through 19 pages of development ramblings. Currently it seems most development has halted, still I'm not sure what the best path there is to walk.
So, for what I understand there is a libcamera integration in indi-3rdparty here:
And there is also an alternative in python: The latter uses the pylibcamera python library.

As the first option is directly integrated into indi-3rd party, where the alternative will never be, I'd expect the first option to be most favored. However it seems there have been many issues with it, and not a lot of patches have been submitted so I'm not sure if everything has been addressed. Also, I had a quick look at the sources, I'm not entirely sure why the entire libcamera-apps has been copied into indi-3rdparty, it seems as if no-one ever gave it a proper clean-up so far. Am I correct in those assumptions?

Also please note that libcamera-apps is about to be renamed into rpicam-apps, as those are maintained entirely by the RPI Foundation while libcamera isn't.