Nathan Eaton Jr. replied to the topic 'Noob Autofucusing Question' in the forum. 3 months ago

I am giving this a try now as the wind from yesterday has died down and I've got excellent viewing conditions.

However, as I am still new to EKOS/KSTARS and have not yet used it at night, I'm unclear whether I am doing this correctly. I did set the Measure to Fourier and I started the process with the focuser reasonably close to focused but not close enough to appear sharp. I am taking 0.001 second shots at ISO 100 with a 2 second delay. However, while images at this exposure look close to correct on the camera (could go a bit slower and still not have blown highlights), in EKOS it appears totally blown out and only if I shift the midtone slider up a bit does it appear close to a proper exposure. I am not sure how to do that in the image viewer on the Focus tab so everything is so blown out I can't tell what progress the focusing increments during Autofocus are actually doing.

I am also not clear whether there are steps I need to take during Autofocus to help with source selection, whether to use full frame or a subframe and, if a subframe, what to select, e.g., an edge, a sunspot, etc.
