Paolo created a new topic ' EKOS remote solving on RPI not works' in the forum. 4 years ago

Hi all,
I'm using indiserver on my RPI3.
On RPI3 I also installed, below the packages installed on my system:

astrometry-data-4204/now 0.45 all [installato, locale]
astrometry-data-4205/now 0.45 all [installato, locale]
astrometry-data-4206/now 0.45 all [installato, locale]
astrometry-data-4207/now 0.45 all [installato, locale],now 0.67+dfsg-1 armhf [installato]
libastrometry0/xenial,now 0.67+dfsg-1 armhf [installato, automatico]
python-astrometry/xenial,now 0.67+dfsg-1 armhf [installato, automatico]

I'm using my laptop or PC with linux and kstars in order to connect on indiserver.
On ekos I enabled and remote, but in this way I recive the following message:
Cannot set solver to remote. The Ekos equipment profile must include the astrometry Auxiliary drive

If I set astrometry under Profile Editor ina AUX filed I still to recive the same error message.

Were I wrong?

Thanks in advance