I am still experiencing this latency in the response of the EKOS Mount Control 'widget', however the log shows that motion was initiated and motion completed within a range of 1 to 3 seconds (no other information is shown in the log). I tried changing the Indi files for the mount. I swapped the mount Indi files from a previous version of Kstars, but this did not change the programs response. There previously used to be a selection for the CGEM DX mount (in an earlier version of KSTARS ) the current versions list a different type of mount (CGEM HC), but the reference is to a file for the Celestron CGEM GPS mount. The mount identifies as a CGEM DX.

I did notice that before the mount can respond to a motion selection it must first stop "tracking" and then re-engage tracking after the motion. This may be the causer of some of the latency. I tried turning off tracking and then selecting a motion, but the latency was still there.

What is interesting is that PhD2 guides the mount fine, which means it is not experiencing the same latency.

I don't recall this level of latency in older version of Kstars, I will have to check thru all my old SD cards to see if I can recreate the way it used to work.

I would appreciate any input on this and particularly if updating to 3.6.9 resolves this problem. I will be doing that as soon as I back up my current working system.