Niki created a new topic ' MI CCD capture abort' in the forum. 4 years ago

Hi guys.

Me again with new problems out of nothing...

ATM working on a Stellarmate.

Since some days my Moravian G2 8300 colour starts to "abort capture" out of nothing...

Yesterday it happened right after starting a 240 Pictures night. Problem after the first picture... I had a look if it works, then the first picture was taken so i thought ok, i´ll go to bed. and when i got up today i had to see, that it was the only picture taken.

I can stop kstars the, and restart, but the MI CCD won´t connect annymore.

What i have to do is to stop indiservers, end kstars, take out power of the mi ccd, wait some time, put power back, start indi webserver and kstars and reconnect, and not even this is a 100% guarantee that it works.

So i took some flats today in the morning. 7 Flats were taken, and then the same fault again.
I tokk 20 Darks whixh worked fine and after that i wanted to take 100 bias.
51 were taken, then capture aborted...

This is quite frustrating...

You can find logs here...

