Hi Oleh,

Thank you for pointing me at those web ressources. In fact, I had already read all of them. The problem is that none of them provides a detailed and systematic documentation of the interface.

I now gave up on the simulator and connected my Celestron NexStar mount instead. By trial and error I got the "slew to" and pulse guide operations working. So, I think it will be possible to port my software. That's good!

For the configuration setup in my program, I would like to present the user a list of all telescope drivers connected to the INDI server. I can produce a list of all drivers by using this code for the IndiClient class definition:

class IndiClient(PyIndi.BaseClient):
    def __init__(self, device_list, device_name_list):
        super(IndiDeviceListClient, self).__init__()
        self.device_list = device_list
        self.device_name_list = device_name_list
    def newDevice(self, d):
I then have a list of all device names in "self.device_name_list". Is there any way in PyIndi to find out the type of a device? Then I could filter out devices for CCD, dome control etc., and only present the telescope devices to choose from.

All the best,