Jan created a new topic ' Settings for Altair Hypercam 294c' in the forum. 4 years ago

Hello everyone,

Can anyone advise me regarding the Gain and Offset settings in this particular driver?

I have read in several guides about the gain setting in the proprietary sharpcap or ASCOM driver, but was unable to get information regarding the INDI driver.
In the INDI control panel (and in the EKOS camera options as well) there are options to increase the gain to a maximum of 70000.
That number does not correlate with advises I found for the windows tools.

Also there is an excellent guide here for the ASI294c, which I figure must be a pretty close match, in which an optimal gain of 120-125 is mentioned.
Regarding the scale in the Altair driver (0-70k) this seems a bit low.

finally, could somebody explain in simple words what the HCG option does? I am pretty much lost on that.

Kind regards,
