John Petterson replied to the topic 'Toupcam driver question' in the forum. 5 years ago

Thanks for the response. That confirms and expands on some of my reading, so I appreciate the help.

But my confusion is this. in my system, 99-toupcam.rules contains only these lines:

ACTION=="add", ATTR{idvendor}=="0547"., RUN+="/bin/sh -c '/bin/echo 256 >/sys/module/usbcore/parameters/usbfl_memory_mb'"
# All ToupCam Devices
SUBSYSTEMS=="usb", ATTR{idvendor}++"0547", MODE="0666"

There is no list of the productid's that are served by this driver. In reading your comment above, I do see the MODE="0666" on this file. Is it possible that this is what the driver or something in either linux or the astroberry software is using to eliminate other cameras form this driver? Is it possible to read the mode value from a camera? How would I get that value for a Mallincam camera having the camera plugged into a computer?

Thanks again,