I've been using the full indi-lib, gsc, and Kstars Ekos on Ubuntu 22.04 successfully for well over a year now. I usually apply updates to the system as they become available, but this may have finally bitten me this evening. After an update to the system, I rebooted the mini-pc at my telescope. Everything appeared to come up fine, and I launched PHD2 and KStars. I clicked the Ekos icon in KStars to start Ekos, and then clicked the Connect button to start indi and load all of the device drivers I have configured. That's when it started... I received errors indicating ASI EAF could not be loaded, then it completely crashed KStars. So I tried again, and again, but to no avail. I uninstalled indi-full, gsc, kstars-bleeding from the system using apt-get remove <each packagename>. I then rebooted the system, and tried reinstalling the packages. Trying to install indi-full produces the following error:
The following packages have unmet dependencies:
indi-full : Depends: indi-avalonud bit it is not installable
E: Unable to correct problems, you have held broken packages.

Did something happen to the indi-avalonud library that makes retrieving it or installing it impossible? Can it somehow be force-ignored as a "dependency" since I have no Avalon equipment anyway?
