#1. It may depend on which version of KStars you are using. I've loaded kstars-bleeding on Ubuntu. I'm trying to recall if I ever encountered the CSV dialogue in the normal KStars -- just can't remember.

#2. Even if you are running the bleeding edge KStars, they don't make the CSV-load capability very evident. You can get to the CSV load in one of two ways:
Settings -> Catalogs -> Manage Deep Sky Catalogs or
Data -> Manage DSO Catalogs.

Both get you to the same spot. Although they call this Deep Sky, you can load anything you want: stars, galaxies, your favorite recipes -- doesn't matter.

From there, click on Create Catalog. A metadata box will appear. Fill in whatever you like; you can also just hit OK and the process continues.
A new catalog will now appear in the catalog list. Click on the catalog you just created.
Along the right side, buttons will come to life. Click on the very bottom one labeled More.

Now you've finally arrived at the promised land. At the bottom left there will be a button labeled Import CSV.

When you click Import CSV, a new dialog box will appear. The button labeled Select/Read allows you to choose which file to import. Note that the RA and Dec have to be in decimal degrees or the RA can be decimal hours.

Once you've selected the file to import, the Mapping buttons will illuminate. Use these buttons to tell KStars which field is Name, RA, Dec, etc.

When you're finished, you will return to the catalog list. Don't forget to Enable the catalog you just created. Click on the catalog name and hit the Enable button.

Hope this helps.
