Thanks a lot,
I have not managed to find any info about the virtual PGS initially, however, my tests sho the same results as per printscreen belo.

I do receive some kind of data stream via gpsmon... but no actual fix, and cgps -s is does not show any data movement at all (kStars also)...
Maybe my back-garden is like a bomb shelter and I need to get that usb stick somewhere higher.... not sure yet...

I had to do make steps listed below to get that, - before I had no response on gpsmon at all...
1) got USB port of the GPS device by: ls /dev (checked the list with the device and with device plugged In). result: /dev/ttyACM0
2) amended /etc/default/gpsd to: DEVICES="/dev/ttyACM0"
3) sudo systemctl stop gpsd.socket
4) sudo systemctl disable gpsd.socket
5) sudo gpsd /dev/ttyACM0 -F /var/run/gpsd.sock

once On, - some data is coming in via gpsmon.... not sure what it means at all