I have started to learn Python. I believe its great both for my profession and also for this hobby.
One of the first things I did was learn how to use astropy and get data out of my fits.

I would like to create an script that mimics the Automated Flat Frames application, but with lights. So for the relevant filter, it increases the exposure in given intervals until reaching a certain median ADU.
I want it to be a bit more "smart" than that (reading for several regions, finding the darkest areas, compare vs the dark frame, etc).

What stops me at the moment is that I am very new and I am not sure how to make my script communicate with EKOS or INDI to request it to shoot the subframe with the options I have in EKOS.
Ideally this script would "talk" to EKOS, rather than doing it independently, as my camera is already configured there.

Any one can point me to some documentation it might be helpful?

Many thanks