Ced replied to the topic 'New to Astroberry and weird problem' in the forum. 4 years ago

Correct, it is a RasPi 3B+

The fun fact (if that can be called fun), is that if I do captures, everything works fine (or at least so it seems) the images are not that big (the 385 is 1080p so not that big), it is just activating the live view (or streaming) which is quite convenient as the ASI is my main camera and I do not have an auto focuser yet...
And when using my Canon 5D the streaming does work just fine even using maximum resolution. The only difference is - drivers aside of course - that the canon 5d has its own power and the ASI takes the power from the RasPi USB, I have a usb hub with external power on the way, I'll see if that changes the behaviour. But the power indicator on the RasPi does not blink at all so I guess from a power supply perspective it should be good.

So being able to view the picture whilst focusing is what I am looking for really.
I guess just choosing temporarily the Raw 8 bits format and doing a live view whilst focusing and then stopping live view and revert to 16 bits is a workaround...
I just need to remember to change the formats :)