Jake Grimsrud replied to the topic 'Ekos Capture module issue' in the forum. 3 years ago

Did anyone find a solution to this? I’m having the same problem on the MacOS build for version 3.5 when using a ZWO183MC.

This seems to be the list of possible causes that I’ve gathered from this thread:
1. Possible USB power issue - I’m using a powered USB hub, but it persists.
2. Possible bandwidth issue when autoguiding and imaging at the same time - This issue happens to me whether or not I am autoguiding, and whether or not I am using remote INDI server or local (direct connection).
3. Possible issue where the host computer has insufficient CPU resources - This issue happens whether I’m running Kstars on my RPI or running it from a Core-i7 laptop.

This still doesn’t seem to be solved. It also appears to be cross-platform and pervasive across multiple versions of Kstars from 2.9 all the way to 3.5. Any other suggestions on a possible fix?