DL created a new topic ' Automated Flat Panel Control' in the forum. 2 years ago

Hi All,

If this is in the wrong place or there is already thread containing this info it please let me know. I just didn't see one.

First, I have very very limited coding experience, but am looking for some help in controlling an EL Panel via the Calibration settings within the capture module of Ekos.  I have an RPi 4 running astroberry with a Raspberry Pi Expansion Board, Power Relay .  I'm using a 3d printed shutter on a servo driven by servoblastercap.  The cap closes properly/automatically when it comes time to taking darks so that's not an issue.  I had planed to control el panel via the relays on the hat.  I found Astroberry DIY including the Astroberry Relay, and while I can manually flick the relays on within the INDI Control Panel, I can't seem to get it to respond to the calibration settings.  I also found a driver written dokeeffe on GitHub call qik_flat, which at first glance looks exactly like what I'm trying to do, but again I'm code dumb and don't know.  So I'm humbly asking the community for help.  Any direction would be fantastically appreciated.

Thanks all,