DL replied to the topic 'Automated Flat Panel Control' in the forum. 2 years ago

Peter, Tim,
Thank you for the insights!Given the nature of my question regarding code, I obviously see no dumb questions, ever, which is a blessing and a curse. I’m just grateful you’ve shared your thoughts. Yes, I am controlling the EL Panel with the relay board mentioned in my original post. As of right now, I am not too concerned about controlling the brightness of the EL panel. I’m shooting with one light pollution filter on a one shot color camera so I don’t need to adjust brightness for multiple filters at this point, that will be a bridge across later I suppose. For now, I want Ekos’s capture module two turn on the EL panel when servoblaster has my automated dust cap closed via the calibration settings for flats. The EL Panel is mounted to the inside of my dust cap. Automated flat capture is my final step in complete rig automation.  I’d like this to be a pi based solution if possible without adding another component to the mix. As far as the question about Ekos adjusting the brightness for a static exposure, I don’t know. I’ve never seen that behavior offered from the system before. But I do like that idea, it could check a lot of boxes, not that my opinion carries much weight.  Any suggestions on how I can modify a driver to fit my needs or a good place to start to learn how to accomplish that?