thank you - you were right! i forgot the "_ccd" :-) i was so puzzled about the new error that i did not see my typo.

and the best is - the RPI Cam works with indi_webcam_ccd great. The resolution is at 1600x1200 okay with less than 1s delay. if i set the resolution to 640x480 the delay is nearly gone.
if i try to set the correct resolution PHD2 crashes totally :-)

for guiding it would work for me with this lower resolution. i wonder if the binning is working with the indi_rpicam driver? i set 4x4 binning, but nothing happened - it should be much brighter, but no effect. i would love to have the binning feature , but if it isn't working with this camera, i can use the webcam driver too and i don't have a need for the rpicam driver.