I must be missing something, but this even happens with the most recent vega.py script included in the pyindi-client GitHub source.

I used the vega.py as an example and started the indiserver using the EKOS Simulators profile in the GUI rather than with the suggested command-line "indiserver telescope_simulator ccd_simulator" invocation.

After the vega.py script is run and successfully completes, if I run from the GUI the Alignment module (selecting any of "Sync", "Slew to Target" or "Nothing"), the Solution RA/DEC Coordinates and Telescope RA/DEC Coordinates are correct, but the Target RA/DEC Coordinates, as reported in the log and indicated in the "Err" field, are not updated.

For example (from the Alignment module log):
2023-11-23T12:54:23 Solution coordinates: RA (18h 37m 07s) DEC (38° 46' 58") Telescope Coordinates: RA (18h 37m 07s) DEC (38° 47' 00") Target Coordinates: RA(23h 56m 00s) DEC(180° 00' 00")

However, when queried within the pyindi-client script, the Target property value IS correct:
Telescope target RA/DEC is now: (18.615648986,38.78368896)

Is the problem that I am trying to mix GUI and command-line interactions within the same running instance of the indiserver? Do I need to do an extra step within the pyindi-client script for that to work properly?

Thanks for any help.